5 ways amBX can add value to Smart Building Platforms

At amBX, we offer flexible software for smart lighting/building control and integration. With a rich history in lighting control, our software has evolved to meet the needs of the modern day. We now enable key stakeholders to access vital building data; we simplify integration with open architecture and provide additional value through lighting.

Sensors within a lighting network are beneficial because lighting is ubiquitous in a building. Various parameters can be monitored; data can be transported to a central source through the pre-existing, reliable lighting network. It can even react to factors, such as occupancy - turning on when it detects presence but also UV lighting - disinfecting areas when no one is present or supporting other systems such as security or safety. We work with any hardware and can even set up virtual sensors in a building using existing infrastructure to collect data or act as a trigger.

We are often white-labelled or are part of the software inside of a wider platform. We work with key stakeholders such as BMS or smart building platform providers to add additional value in the form of seamless integration or advanced lighting logic, which can make building platforms more desirable.


5 areas we add value:

👉Sophisticated lighting logic 

👉Secure on-premise control with constant cloud feedback

👉Work with any hardware 

👉Assist with energy management and carbon reporting

👉We can stay behind the scenes, we can add some intelligence to your solution, and no one would know we’re involved

For a full explanation of each of these points, download the free guide below.

amBX LtdGuide